The Borough of Sayreville NJ Portal
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Property Inspection Requests and Applications
Property Maintenance
Code Enforcement Officers are in the community on a daily basis ensuring all properties are maintained in accordance with the law. Code Enforcement Officers can and do issue violation notices and summonses in the event that the requested remediation actions are not pursued by property owners. The Code Enforcement Officers work in collaboration with the Zoning Office, Construction Official, and a variety of other departments.
To review common violations, see Borough Ordinance 12-3
If you have a concern or complaint, you must apply for a property inspection so that our office can investigate.
Rental and Resale Applications
The following applications and checklists will provide the information you will need to sell your home in Sayreville:
Citizen Requests and Concerns
You may report various concerns such as property complaints, zoning complaints, and property conditions.
To ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the public, through proper administration of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, conducted in a courteous and professional manner. The Construction Office is responsible for all construction within the Borough and for enforcement of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. It is Sayreville’s desire to ensure that all of its citizens are protected to the fullest extent by these codes.
Search our Construction Permit databaseYou may search through our permit database by business name, owner name, location, and/or contractor. This feature will be helpful to find open permits when selling or purchasing a home.
The Zoning Officer is the first Borough of Sayreville official with whom the typical property owner meets in the process of making an application to develop vacant land or upgrade existing properties for minor activities, including adding a shed or fence, to more complicated projects such as, the construction of a new shopping mall. The Borough of Sayreville General Zoning Ordinance is Chapter 26.